Some people are born to a calling in life. JASON started with a part-time job and stayed for the next 20 at a local hardware store where customers are made to feel special.
Some people are born to a calling in life. JASON started with a part-time job and stayed for the next 20 at a local hardware store where customers are made to feel special.
baba2films along with 750,000 other people marched in Los Angeles on Saturday, January 21, 2017. Stan Roden and Phyllis de Picciotto interviewed dozens of people along the parade route about why they were there and the message they hoped to send to the Trump administration. This film contains a few of their comments.
SUZANNE RIORDAN explains how her personal tragedy inspired her and others with similar experience to create Families ACT!, an effective and powerful S.B. advocacy group dedicated to obtaining more humane, medically oriented treatment for the mentally ill and those struggling with addiction.
DIANA BASEHART FOUNDATION | “A Greater Love” presents Diana’s animal rights efforts over the last 4 decades. It includes her current efforts to protect less fortunate people from loosing their pets due to the high cost of veterinary services.
DAVID HOPKINS was addicted and living on the streets most of his teen and adult life. He prayed daily for his own death. Stacy came along and convinced him get off the streets. Ultimately, a shattering event drove him to get sober and return to school, where he earned a drug and alcohol counseling degree. Currently, Hopper trains and leads a team to help Vets, addicts and the mentally ill on the streets of his Santa Barbara.
Ninette Paloma operates a dance studio and choreographs dance around the world. She often writes about Dance for the Santa Barbara Independent. Come Fly With Me is a short documentary film about her background and work.
See our newest film about Meet Maggie Yates, Santa Barbara writer, make-up artist and theater stage production.
JIMMY J. makes artistic hats, shirts, flags and other items that highlight Santa Barbara’s unique surfer and beach oriented culture. He’s a UCSB graduate who refused to stay stuck in jobs that did not fulfill him.
MARCEL MEIER and Adam Poe share their personal battles with alcohol-drug addiction. Through court oriented drug treatment programs each ultimately became clean and sober and found ways to help others.